南鋼國貿是南京鋼鐵聯合有限公司全資子公司;The company is 100% owned by Nanjing Iron & Steel United Co.,Ltd.
南鋼國貿是南鋼國際化戰略窗口;The Company is window of international strategy of the Group.
南鋼國貿承擔南鋼原料、項目及備件進口,鋼鐵產品出口,以及南鋼外事管理業務。The business scope of the Company is for importation of raw material , importation of project (including equipment , technology and services) , exportation of steel products, and management of foreign affairs of the group.
鐵礦石、廢鋼等鋼鐵原料進口;Importation of raw material of iron ore, scrap, etc.
大宗原料的物流儲運;Logistics of bulk material
南鋼引進項目設備采購,從國際招標至設備驗收全過程參與; importation of project (including equipment, technology and services), from international bidding to FAC (Final Acceptance Certificate)
備件進口; Importation of spares
鋼鐵產品出口; Exportation of steel products
集團公司外事管理。Management of foreign affairs of the group.