Careersmart, an international strategic executive and consulting firm with good reputation and two-way simultaneously of professional and practicality, has been from Careersmart to invest and establish in Asia-Pacific area, and look on the international strategic consulting and service as a key business. In the purpose of abstracting successfully practice from enterprise management, and service for the development quickly of enterprise; Careersmart International has a team of senior experts who have been from some famous MNC, groups with good reputation, and international famous academy and have been engaged in the job of variable research in executive and consulting or senior professional managers for a long-term service, to help them to reach and achieve their growth healthy and development steady through relying on their efforts, intelligence, successful practice and the most advanced concepts, which included with MNC or their Branches in China, subsidiary companies or plants in China, and variable native companies etc. In the meantime, the consulting has based on the eight key process, including the Clients’ Current Status, Directions of Industrials, Communication In-Depth, Expertise or Consultation, Bring Together Solutions, Implementation of Solutions, Process Control and Service and Feedback Continuously, to provide the careersmart’s clients to the service and consulting of variable levels, aspects and latitudes.
Careersmart International has already achieved good market performance and industrial reputation in International consulting and executive after being established in Chinese Mainland market in 2006, and successively set up some related partners and business offices and branches in Seoul, South Korea, Kaohsiung, Taiwan and mainland China, and long-term cooperation with American and European strategic consulting firm in international consulting business.
Currently, Careersmart’s key business has been related to variable strategic and business consulting in HR, Manufacturing Operation, Company Culture, Org. Development and Training, Sourcing and Supply China, Quality System Plan, Marketing&Sales System, Import and Export Business, Enterprise Ethics for MNC (Social Responsibilities ) Consultation, and the other commercial consulting,etc.
Careersmart科萊斯(國際)企業管理咨詢機構系Careersmart在亞太地區投資興創并以國際企業戰略咨詢及業務服務為主營項目的一家專業性與實戰性雙向并舉的國際性咨詢公司, 本著提煉企業成功實踐,服務企業快速成長的宗旨,科萊斯(國際)擁有一批在大型跨國公司(MNC)、國際企業集團(ICG)、國際知名院校(IFA)長期從事企業高級管理實踐與咨詢理論研究的團隊,將**前沿、先進的管理理念與成功實踐依托強大的咨詢團隊及跨國公司高級職業經理人幫助跨國公司、在華投資企業、分支機構、中國本土大中小型企業實現健康、快速成長的同時,在為客戶提供服務的過程中基于企業實際狀況、行業趨勢、深入溝通、意見、方案整合、時間與過程控制、跟蹤反饋、后期服務系列咨詢過程并以各種形式為客戶提供多方面、多層次、多緯度的企業戰略管理與各類業務咨詢服務。公司網址:careersmarte,地址:南京市新街口洪武路26號天豐大廈16層1609-1611座。