南京優思艾國際貿易有限公司以創新的國際商業營銷模式和先進的公司組織架構在中國經營紡織服裝類產品。. 公司專注于美國知名商業連鎖企業沃爾瑪與其他成熟品牌服飾公司的合作。將中國的服飾加工貿易與美國服飾消費市場緊密聯系是公司的使命。. 公司的理念是為我們的客戶全面、的提供優質的服務,良好品質和富有創意的產品。保持公司在市場上卓越的競爭水平。改善并提升組織管理框架,為滿足客戶的需求不斷完善我們的經營理念。. 我們的使命是總結過去,開創未來。. 基于國內十余家指定服飾加工企業,南京優思艾國際貿易有限公司確立了在美國服裝消費市場的地位。. 公司服裝加工貿易業務源于2001,工廠位于經濟、自然、勞動資源豐富的江浙一帶。完善的生產管理,優質的原料供應,先進的生產工藝和財務結算方式,我們建立了完備的產品與服務體系。并得到美國客戶和合作伙伴的首肯。. 通過完善和精確的管理、控制,確保每一個訂單的產品都能使我們的客戶滿意。. 如果您是自信而渴望成功,快速發展的南京優思艾虛位以待您的加盟。. like the gate of infinity,nanjing usa international trade ltd.,resents an international level of innovation and modernity in the garment business fashion in china. . specializing in garment business with usa wal-mart and other commercial partner. is the real point of reference for all companies that need to come to china in garment trade. . our business concept is to provide full integrated service to save the time and solve the problem for our clients. extremely high quality of products innovations, with our competitive, flexible and managerial superiority, we matured the concept with our client’s satisfaction. . our mission is to look into the future with the power of our past. . thanks to the consolidated industrial presence in the chinese territory, and with over 10 designated factories, nanjing usa international trade ltd., positions itself as an trade and service partner for textile garment operators in the world. .actively present in the region of zhengjiang and xiaoshan since 2001, an area historically specialised in textile and garment productions in the jiangsu and zhejiang province of china,nanjing usa international trade ltd., has developed an established and sound trade and service structure, from industrial sourcing, production, to administration and finance, and all legal and logistics details, which allows us to guarantee our western partners/clients the best quality and control of order and production. . with our complete and precise control of all details, all orders and productions can be rest assured.