PIXY is a leading company in rolling-stock area, a world leader in the development and manufacture of customer-specific mobile visualization systems. At our main premises in Turgi, Switzerland, we manufacture high-quality data visualization products for transport systems (trains, airplanes and ships).
The PIXY brand name represents high-quality hardware and software products that are used in transport systems(esp railway area) worldwide. All products meet high demands for flawless functioning in challenging mobile and industrial environments. Our many years of experience in the field of data visualisation and constant innovation in product development mean that reliability is something that customers have come to expect of our products.
PIXY(Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a WOFE(wholly-owned foreign enterprise) of PIXY Switzerland. PIXY Shanghai was founded in July 2007.PIXY Shanghai has built a leading position of mobile visualization system in the Chinese market. PIXY Shanghai has strong development and innovation capability, has installed advanced production facility.
PIXY's customers in China include but are not limited to SIEMENS, BOMBARDIER, MOR(Ministor Of Rail), CNR(China North Rolling-Stock Group) and CSR(China South Rolling-stock Group), Engineering companies of signalling system and control system, Metro companies in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin and Chongqing.
帕克西股份有限公司總部設在瑞士Turgi(蘇黎世西北30公里)。在研發和生產用于鐵路、航空、船舶等領域的顯示系統 ( HMI,MMI,DDU等各類人機界面 ) 在**占主導地位。所有生產的顯示設備及相應軟件以堅固耐用、高度集成及“瑞士精密“等特點著稱,尤其適合在惡劣的交通和工業環境中的使用。