Since the founding of Busch in 1963 in Germany, the company policy has been customer oriented thinking in terms of supply of high quality and competitively-priced products and excellent technical and service back-up, which has led Busch to become the leader in the development of new vacuum products to meet the vacuum requirements of industries worldwide. Busch now has six manufacturing plant locations in Germany, Switzerland, USA, UK, Korea and Czech to cater for the world-wide need for our renowned vacuum pumps and systems. Together with a world-wide subsidiary and representative network consisting of more than 57 local companies in 39 countries including Busch China, we are committed to serve customers throughout the world. Our vacuum pumps and systems serve a host of industries ranging from vacuum packaging, food, automotive and transport, plastic, chemical and pharmaceutical, medical, environmental, composite, metallurgy, oil and gas, surface technology, electronic, wood, machine building and other challenging applications such as in the TFT/LCD, solar, semiconductor and energy industries.
德國Busch股份有限公司 (Dr. - Ing. K. Busch GmbH) 創建于1963年,總部位于德國的馬爾堡。經過近五十年的發展,Busch已成為**有影響力的真空設備制造商之一。Busch在德國、瑞士、美國、英國、韓國、捷克共擁有6家現代化制造工廠,連同遍布于主要工業國家的57家分公司及完善的經銷服務網絡為**用戶提供專業服務。德國Busch作為真空技術的者,其產品在真空包裝、食品加工、車輛及運輸、塑膠、化工及制藥、醫院醫療、環保工程、復合材料、冶金、石油及天然氣、表面處理技術、電子及電力、木材加工、機械制造以及其它極具挑戰的工業領域,例如:平板顯示器、太陽能、半導體和能源有著廣泛的應用。
We possess a talent,acute,ambitious and vigorous team. During the past several years,our sales team has achieved great success, the company is growing quickly.Now we are expecting further development and more talents to join in.
If you have the related knowledge about new sources of energy and mechanism,familiar with this industry and have outstanding sales achievement.We are sincerely expecting your join-in. Meanwhile,we welcome any professional post-suited talents to join us as well.
We provide development opportunities,competitive remuneration and welfares as well as well-planned training systems.