瑞安市吉順機車部件有限公司位于全國的汽車`摩托車配件生產基地----瑞安經濟開發區,面臨東海`西靠104國道,北接溫州機場和金溫鐵路,水`陸`空交通便利,地理位置優越. 公司技術力量雄厚,產品質量可靠,擁有先進的生產設備和的檢測手段.是一家自行研制`開發`設計`生產`銷售于一體的轉業化摩托車,電動車點火開關(鎖具)制造企業.公司一貫堅持”誠信為本,顧客之上”的服務宗旨,為廣大用戶提供滿意的售后服務.本著”高起點,高標準,精益求精,追求卓越”的經營理念,全面貫徹ISO9001`2000/QS9000質量管理體系,不斷開發新產品,樹立品牌意識,狠抓產品質量關,實現”融現代科技,創行業”的奮斗目標. 要走的路還很長很長,有了你的扶持和幫助,我們堅信明天會更美好.吉順永遠熱忱歡迎您的光臨.Zhejiang Ruian Jishun Vehicle Parts Factory is located in Ruian City Econmic and Technical Development Zone-the larget automobile and motorcycle parts production bass in our country,which faces the east china sea and is close to NO.104 national Road on the west and to Wenzhou airport and Jinwen railway station on the north with water,land and air transport facilities,the geopraphical position is superior. With rich technical strength,stable quanlity control system,and advanced production equipments as well perfect testing machines,our company is an enterprise spe-cializing in research development,design production and sales of motorcycle and electric cars ingintion locks(locksets).we have always persisted in the operation ideals “HIGH POINT, HIGH STARDAND,MAKE THE BEST Product and Pursue outstanding aim”.We initive participate in ISO9001`2000/QS9000 Internation Quality System with scientific management and formal operation.Many premium quality of products are offered for domestic and foreign market with its advanced structure,excellent performace,stable quality,reasomable price.And our after class service ideal”Customer is Gad and sincerity is the life”.Do our best to meet the meet the demand of users…A long way to go a very long,with your help and support ,we firmly believe that tomorrow will be better.Welcome to present JISHUN COMPANY.