青島恒騰德機械有限公司(原青島金利得電器有限公司)始建于1996年青島即墨市王家院工業園,在10666平方米的院區內,建有標準廠房3600平方米,綜合辦公樓528平方米,附屬廠房300平方米,現擁有職工120多人,其中:專業技術人員12人,主要沖壓設備有16T至250T壓力機30多臺,噴涂流水線2套,公司于今年又新進激光切割這一先進設備。建廠十年來,一直為海爾集團公司、雙龍(美國)公司、青島三鋼電動工具有限公司(美國獨資)、青島嘉泰榮安國際貿易公司、青島TCL家電公司、青島海信空調公司等企業,配套加工沖壓件、模具、金屬件表面噴涂及電容漆處理等業務。我公司靠質保體系健全,檢測手段完善,服務周到全面,追求行業典范,弘揚“全過程質量**,全過程零缺陷”的企業宗旨,不斷提高新的經濟增長點,贏得了廣大客戶的青睞,取得了速度、效益同步發展的良好局面。 歡迎各界人士垂詢洽談業務,公司全體人員必盡全力竭誠為您提供優質服務! Founded in 1996, Qingdao Jinlide Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd is an sepcialized metal stamping ,welding and finishing manufacturer. Located in the beautiful ancient city , Jimo ,Qingdao, We have 3600 square meters of standard workshops and 10, 666 square meters of factory area. Now, we have 120 employees, including 12 professional and technical personnel. We have 1 set of 400T stamping press, 30 sets of 250T presses machines, 1 sets of CNC laser cutting machine, couples of sets of bending, welding, turning, milling,machining and drilling machines and 2 sets of coating lines. We are a ten year's supplier for Haier Group Corporation, Qingdao Three Steel Electric Tools Co., Ltd. (wholly-owned by American) , Qingdao Hisense Air-conditioning Company and etc. Our key products includes: stamping parts,sheet metal parts, electronical appliances components , other kinds of hardwares and their assembly.. We attained GB/T9001:2000 and ISO9001: 2000 quality system certifications in April of 2005. /"Quality is priority and credit is lofty/" is our business principle. Please feel free to contact us for further information./r /r
公司地址: 青島市即墨市長江二路王家院工業園
聯系人:金小姐 電話:0532-88507988