qingdao unirpo tyre co.,ltd is specializes in the manufacture and marketing of a wide range of radial and bias tyres for trucks (heavy & light), buses, passenger cars as well as OTR radial tyres.
We have developed and marketed our own brands such as 'COPARTNER" ,HONCOCK AND EASTROCK which comply with specifications required for securing approval for ISO9001, DOT, ECE,CCC, and GCC.SONCAP.NOM,INMETRO,ETC
Purchase and use of machinery and advanced technology from Germany, Italy, Holland and Japan ensures that our products not only meet international standards but they can be offered to our customers with a warranty against technical defects.
execution of export orders, including shipment according to customer requirements, enable us to export successfully to customers in over 60 countries worldwide, including South East Asia, Middle East, Africa, Europe and South America.
Unipro offers value for money and complete security to its customers as its philosophy of business is based on customer care, integrity and accountability.
We always Inherit culture of enterprise with people foremost, customer first, pursuit of excellence and long-term benefits. Sharing its profits or earning with its partners and aiming to be a leader of Chinese tire business. .
多年前, 一個在某國有大型輪胎廠工作了近10年的人, 開始自主創業, 成立了“森康實業有限公司”,開始了輪胎貿易。
憑著認真、誠實的作風, 一路走來, 贏得了英國、伊拉克
澳大利亞、尼日利亞、美國、加拿大等二十幾個國家的客戶的肯定和贊譽。 森康在努力加強自身工作的同時,不斷的與客戶交流, 虛心聽取客戶的意見, 不斷改進工作思路,嚴格產品質量,與客戶一起在合作中成長。
憑著近15年的行業經驗和客戶的高度認可與支持, 成立了嘉合興業集團, 自此成為了集研發、生產、銷售一體的大型企業集團。 能夠為客戶提供輪胎、機電等六大系列200多個產品。
YOU AND I ,PROGRESS,嘉合將和您一起經歷風雨,一路前進.....