TRIO設計集團是從事城市規劃、建筑設計、景觀設計、室內設計等專業的專業設計集團。于2000年開始在中國全面展開設計咨詢服務業務,設計并完成了大量項目。其中包括城市設計, 大型住宅小區、高檔公寓、別墅、住宅小區景觀設計、商業綜合體、辦公單體、工業類建筑、會所俱樂部以及售樓處、樣板間的建筑與室內設計。設計集團主要由美國、加拿大、新加坡和中國境內外專業團隊組成,能全程協助業主完成從前期概念定位到產品實施的所有設計和施工配合環節。公司追求建筑從外到內、從整體到細節的全面把握,發揮專業團隊的協作精神,以保證設計理念的各個層面充分發揮。
TRIO Design Partners is an international Design and Consulting team that provides a comprehensive range of Landscape Architecture, Urban Design and Planning, Architecture and Interior Design services.
TRIO Design Partners provides the collaborative expertise of design specialists to provide a harmonious blend of architecture, landscape and interior design in high-end urban, commercial, institutional and residential projects.
TRIO Design Partners have been active in the China market for over five years and was formed with design partners from the United States, Canada, Singapore and China. TRIO Design Partners function out of the Beijing CBD with full time support services and staff.
The vision of TRIO Design Partners is to provide innovative and creative design solutions through professional multi-disciplinary collaboration.