Qingdao Shengda Commercial & Trade Co., Ltd. is the export and sales company of Zhucheng Xingmao Corn Developing Co., Ltd. (Group) , which is the leading corn processing group specializing in manufacturing of corn starch, modified starch, malto-dextrin, dextrose monohydrate, corn syrup, inositol, corn oil, corn gluten meal and corn gluten feed.
Being in charge of overseas sales for “Xingmao”brand series of corn products, Qingdao Shengda strictly abides by the principles of "equality and mutual benefit, trustworthiness and customers first" and has built up an extensive international sales network. We annually export 1800,000 metric tons of corn starch, 120,000 metric tons of corn gluten meal and 60,000 metric tons of corn oil. In addition, we supply 1,300 metric tons of inositol,50,000 metric tons dextrose monohydrate , 50,000 metric tons maltodextrin and 150,000 metric tons corn syrup. We are certified by ISO9001:2000, HACCP, Halal, Kosher, and NON-GMO and gradually develop into one of the largest corn developing companies in Asia.
We sincerely welcome domestic and overseas customers to visit our factories and promote business for mutual benefits. Please contact us for more information.
公司有著原料采購、食品加工、商貿經營、物流配送一體化的服務體系,集團公司在全國各地建立了工廠,包括諸城興貿玉米開發有限公司等8家工廠。公司位于我國的重要港口城市青島市,海、陸交通條件十分便利。我公司主要經營玉米淀粉及其深加工產品,主要產品包括玉米淀粉、變性淀粉、玉米油、高麥芽糖漿、肌醇、葡萄糖、玉米蛋白粉、蛋白飼料、飼料級磷酸三鈣等,年處理凈化玉米400萬噸,年產玉米淀粉260萬噸、變性淀粉30萬噸、玉米蛋白粉15萬噸、精制玉米油15萬噸、玉米胚芽粕(餅) 14萬噸、玉米皮粉30萬噸、肌醇6000噸、高麥芽糖漿80萬噸、麥芽糊精20萬噸、一水葡萄糖10萬噸、果葡糖2萬噸、山梨醇5萬噸、丁醇3.5萬噸、丙酮1萬噸、乙醇0.5萬噸的生產能力,形成了一個多品種互補的產業鏈。公司先后通過了ISO9001、ISO14001、HACCP食品安全管理體系認證以及出口食品生產企業衛生注冊等,建立了完善的質量管理和服務系統,保證了公司每一類每一件產品至始如一的卓越品質。
我們期待與的您攜手! 共同發展!
公司地址: 青島市北區敦化路138號甲歐亞中心705室 (市北**商務區內)