任丘市宏佳硬質合金有限公司創建于1980年,占地面積22000m2 ,主要從事硬質合金、碳化鎢、鈷粉、合金模具的生產、制造與模具加工。產品涉及毛坯、拉絲、拔管縮桿、直桿、異形、天然鉆石、聚晶模以及自行車、縫紉機標準件的專用模具、奇形模等多樣品種,力量雄厚工藝設備先進,檢測完善它的使用壽命是高速鋼的30多倍,非一次性,可多次修復使用,修復后壽命不變。
我廠自創建以來,一直注重先進的技術開發及嚴格的質量檢測手段。掌握了國內合金模具的制造與開發技術,輔以80多名的專業工程技術人員,是我廠在傳統模具及異型模具制造方面實現了質的飛躍,使之能夠滿足提出的各種要求。 本廠重合同,守信用,規格齊全,質量可靠,價格合理,交貨迅速。產品除銷往本省各地外,還遠銷上海、天津、江蘇、安徽和、美國、東南亞各地,深受國內外用戶好評。
renqiu city hongjia carbide co., ltd. was founded in 1980, covers an area of 22000m2, mainly engaged in cemented carbide, tungsten carbide, cobalt powder, alloy mold production, manufacturing and mold processing. products involving rough, drawing, extubation reduced strokes, straight rod, special-shaped, natural diamond, polycrystalline mode, as well as bicycles, sewing machines dedicated mold standard parts, odd-shaped molds for various species, is strong in technology have advanced equipment to improve its service life detection is 30 times more than high-speed steel, non-disposable, can be used many times to repair, rehabilitate unchanged after life.
i plant since its inception, has been focusing on the development of advanced technology and strict quality tests. mastered the leading domestic alloy mold manufacturing technology and development, supplemented by more than 80 outstanding professional engineering and technical personnel, is my factory in the traditional mold and mold shaped to achieve a qualitative leap forward to enable it to meet the various requirements . factory re-contract, keeping promises, complete specifications, reliable quality and reasonable price, prompt delivery. in addition to products sold throughout the province, but also exported to shanghai, tianjin, jiangsu, anhui and taiwan, the united states, the southeast asian countries, well received by users at home and abroad.