Auric Pacific Group is listed on the main board of the Singapore Exchange, it is in the business of distribution, manufacturing and investments with operations in Singapore , Malaysia and China . It is one of Singapore leading distributors of packaged consumer food and beverages and manufacturer of the popular homegrown Sunshine brand of bakery products. It also manages a diversified investment portfolio including investments in growth companies. Recently, the company has acquired a chain of Drug stores and a distribution operation in the Pharmaceutical segment. The company strategy is to expand its current drug stores product portfolio in the health and beauty cares categories with the objective become a leading modern pharmacy chain in Sichuan and the rest of China. 四川金利集雅德貿易有限公司,是世界500強企業之一力寶集團新加坡金利太平洋投資的外商獨資公司,它成立于2006年10月,主要開展以西南為主及中國主要大城市化妝品、健康食品和保健品方面的零售,批發,分銷代理等業務. 為配合中國業務上海、北京、深圳、成都之持續發展,現誠邀以上人士加盟本公司: