High Creation Management Consulting Company is an international and professional company of management consultants, which is founded by American HIGH CREATION GROUP (HongKong Gaochuang Company) with sole proprietorship. More than five-hundred famous enterprises have received HCC’s professional consultation and training covering twenty provinces in China. We are recruiting excellent persons in the positions with wide vocation space of HCC.
克瑞斯(中國)管理顧問有限公司,是美國HIGH CREATION GROUP香港高創公司在中國獨資設立的國際化、專業化管理顧問公司。公司的咨詢與培訓業務覆蓋中國20個省500余家中外大型知名企業,包括國家電網、中國電信、中國移動、中國石油、中國煙草以及鐵道部南北車集團等大型行業企業。公司以廣闊的職業空間和優厚的薪酬福利,匯聚精英人才共圖發展。