新加坡森迪裝飾國際有限公司(Singapore sun idea Decoration International Limited)是2003年在香港創辦的一間建筑專業設計公司,是新加坡甲藝建筑設計集團(ADDPARCHITECTS)授權的戰略聯盟伙伴,并成功合作完成多項海內外裝飾設計任務。森迪裝飾的設計師團隊、創意團隊、施工團隊均由公司新加坡總部及新加坡甲藝建筑設計集團進行技術指導。2012年四川森迪建筑裝飾工程設計有限公司在成都成立。主要負責大陸地區業務開展,現注冊資金1000萬。具有國家乙級設計資質及二級施工資質。同時,四川森迪建筑裝飾工程有限公司于2013年通過了ISO9001、ISO14001及GB/T28001-2001認證,建立了質量、環境、職業健康安全管理體系。 森迪成立之初就以“堅持精益求精,創造卓越品質”為核心價值觀。確立了“卓越設計、至誠服務”的經營理念。致力于建立一支專業技術素質高、業務能力強的技術隊伍,不斷引進一大批新加坡技術人員,現已形成了一支由高級建筑師、高級工程師、美術設計師、會計師及各類專業人才200人組成的設計和施工管理隊伍,其中工程類具有職稱的技術人員達80人。多年來培養了建設主管部門核發的一級項目經理18人、二級項目經理8人、可為用戶提供集設計、采購、施工管理的專業化系列服務,同時也不斷完善了自身內部管理體制,摸索了一套簡捷有效的管理方式,目前公司內設工程部、業務部、設計部、采購部等部門,實行總經理集權式管理,各部門即分工又合作,各司其職,項目管理中實行項目經理負責制。以全體員工為質量的基石,共同為企業的發展壯大而努力。由于公司多年堅持“客戶**、創意**、質量**”的服務理念,成功的樹立起良好的信譽,公司業務目前已穩占中國市場,并擴展到新加坡、馬來西亞、泰國等海外市場。并在上海、廣東、廣西以及全國多個省份建立了辦事處,近幾年已完成印度、越南、印度尼西亞等幾十項多個海外賓館、商場及大型寫字樓的裝修工程,并取得了良好的經濟效益和社會效益。艱辛的創業歷程,鑄造了森迪人勤奮堅韌的敬業精神。同時也鞭策著森迪人的不斷超越、秉承“挑戰自我、團隊協作、創新發展”的企業精神,以“服務客戶,成就員工,回報社會”為企業宗旨,不斷提升公司的技術與管理水平。以“用裝飾美化生活”為使命,融合多元化時代發展的要求,滿足大眾日益增長的精神文化需求。森迪人正在贏得越來越多新老客戶和合作伙伴的共識。
一、公司核心價值觀: 堅持精益求精 創造卓越品質
Established in 2003 in Hong Kong, Singapore Sun Idea Decoration International Limited is a specialized architectural design company and a strategic alliance partner authorized by Singapore Add Architects, and it has completed several decoration design tasks at home and abroad through successful cooperation with Add Architects. The headquarters in Singapore and Singapore Add Architects provides technical guidance for the architect team, creative team and construction team of Sun Idea Decoration. Established in 2012 in Chengdu, Sichuan Sun Idea Building Decoration Engineering Design Co., Ltd. is mainly in charge of the business of China Mainland and its current registered capital is RMB 10 million. In addition, it owns grade B national design qualification and level II construction qualification. Meanwhile, Sichuan Sun Idea Building Decoration Engineering Design Co., Ltd. has gained ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and GB/T28001-2001 certificates in 2013, establishing the quality management system, environment management system and occupational health and safety management system. Since its establishment, Sun Idea has always been considering "keeping improving and creating excellent quality" as the core value. It has established the operation principle of "excellent design and sincere service". Sun Idea has been devoting itself to establishing a technical team with high professional technical quality and strong business capability, so it has constantly introduced a multitude of Singaporean technicians. At present, a design and construction management team including 200 of senior architects, senior engineers, art designers, accountants and all kinds of professional talents has been formed, and 80 engineering technicians among them have professional titles. For several years, it has fostered 18 level I project managers and 8 level II project managers certificated by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the PRC, being able to provide users with series of professional services integrating design, purchase and construction management together. Meanwhile, it has also constantly perfected internal management system of itself and found some simple but effective management measures. Currently, the company has set engineering department, business department, design department and purchase department, etc., and all the departments are managed by General Manager. There are both division of labor and cooperation for all departments. All the departments have their own responsibilities and the specific project manager is responsible for the specific project during the process of project management. All of our staffs are the foot stone of quality and will make their joint efforts for the development of the company. The company has insisted on the service concept of "customer first, innovation first, quality first", so it has successfully set up good reputation. The company currently has taken up Chinese market stably and extended its business to oversea countries, including Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, etc. In addition, the company has established branch offices in Shanghai, Guangdong, Guangxi and several provinces of China. For recent years, the company has completed several dozens of decoration projects for oversea hotels, shopping malls and large office buildings in India, Vietnam, Indonesia, etc. and gained good economic benefit and social benefit. The hard entrepreneurial experiences have resulted in diligence, toughness and professionalism of staffs of Sun Idea. Moreover, it also has been spurring the staffs of Sun Idea to constantly surpass themselves, to inherit the enterprise spirit of "challenging yourself, team work, innovation and development" and to take "serving customers, making staffs successful and rewarding the society" as the enterprise tenet, thus constantly promoting technical and management level of companies. Taking "beautifying life through decoration" as the mission, Sun Idea is winning the recognition of more and more new and old customers as well as partners, while integrating the development requirements of the diversified era and meeting the gradually increasing requirements of spiritual culture of the mass. Business Scope By virtue of rich construction experience and a batch of construction staffs with exquisite technique, the company has taken the leading place in the field of building decoration. The current business scope includes: the decoration design and construction for commercial places, such as offices, restaurants, hotels, tea houses, clubs, KTV, etc.