地產投資:四川上力地產股份有限公司成立于2008年6月,注冊資本金1.008億元,是一家以房產開發為主業,多種產業并架齊驅的集團化企業,現已成功開發商業小區項目:美景家園、魅力歐鎮、 上力·理想城等項目,開發面積近100萬平米。
物業管理:四川美上美物業服務有限公司,“BETTER TO PERFECT”,您的幸福管家。
IT投資:華氏度網絡,華氏度網絡是西南地區以產業為導向的綜合性門戶網站,致力于構建快速、全面、準確的資訊平臺,擁 有宜賓全接觸、產業宜賓、華氏度房產網、華氏度汽車網、電子商務、社區等多個頻道。華氏度立足宜賓,輻射川南,為網友提供本地化、多元化的綜合服務。
Sichuan Golden Coupon Investment Co., Ltd is an investment institution established as a wholly state owned company under the Golden Coupon Investment (SG) Pte ltd (Abbre GCI), in charge of the investments in domestic, At present, GCI invest well over 2,000 million RMB in a diverse range of assets in China, including real estate, hotel, international trade, eco agriculture, Modern Information Service Industry etc.
GCI’s investments are not limited to any particular sector, our objective is to seek diligently long-term investments that maximize our returns while maintaining a rigorous approach to managing risk.
GCI's investment portfolio is mainly composed of equity, fixed income and alternative assets, in both developed and emerging markets.
Portfolio Companies include:
Investment---Real Estate: Sichuan Sunny Real Estate Co., Ltd,Founded in 2008, Sichuan Sunny Real Estate Co,Ltd focus on commercial and residential property and develops hotel, retail and commercial consultancy as a whole. We cooperated with the leading enterprises of domestic and overseas industries related to real estate, and created high-quality products to our customer, and successfully developed residential and commercial projects over 1 million square meters, such as Meijing Garden, Charming European Town and Ideal City etc. projects
Investment ----Trade:Sichuan Zhixi Trading Co., Ltd;Sichuan Zhixi Trading Co. Ltd Established 2007,with a paid up capital RMB 10 million, is the general agency of “Jiang Xiang Ren Liquor” in China, one of Wuliangye Liquor Series. Meanwhile, the company also engage in international trade including European wine, jewelry etc..
Investment ----Property Management:Sichuan Meishangmei Property Management Co., Ptd,“BETTER TO PERFECT”
Investment ----Eco Agriculture:Vicfarm Manufacture Association,Vicfarm Manufacture Association (Abbre VMA), is an investment group that focus on
Chinese Eco Agricultur development to provide organic food and agro-tourism for
people, it has invested 5 companies and one research institute till now.
Investment ---- Modern Information Service Industry :Vastall Internet ,Vastall Internet is a industry-oriented Gateway Website, with comprehensive news
Coverage of Southwest China . Vastall commit to build fast, overall and accurate
information platform, in order to provide our user more localize and diversified
services, we have already established many channels, such as Yibin whole contact,
cars, industries, e-commerce etc..