山東萬邦橡膠有限公司,注冊資本4000萬元,公司工藝設備先進,年產中高檔摩托車輪胎1200萬套,產品質量均達到E-MARKET, DOT標準,是集設計、開發(fā)、生產、銷售及國際貿易于一體的現(xiàn)代化股份制企業(yè)。
Shandong Wonbon Rubber Co., Ltd., with registered capital of 40 million RMB, has advanced process equipments in an annual output of 12 million sets of high quality tires. The quality of products meet the E-MARKET, DOT standards. Our company is a design, development, production, marketing and international trade in one of the modern joint-stock enterprise.
Company always adheres to the "Guality first, Reputation first" purpose to make first-class products and creat the best service business. We also pay great importance to production by strictly controlling product quality and strictly following the production processes. With a high starting point, strict demands, high standards and strict management principles, we continue to study and benefit to the society.