山東省瀚森國際經貿合作有限公司(以下稱山東瀚森)是經國家商務部、國家教育部等相關政府部門批準的從事外派勞務、進出口貿易、出國留學中介服務等業務、具有法人資格的綜合性涉外服務企業。. 山東瀚森秉承“信譽是根本,質量是保證”的經營理念,發揚團隊精神,開拓創新,誠信經營,專業**地為國內外客戶提供優質服務。公司現有員工46名,大學學歷人員占到90%以上。公司已通過了iso9000質量管理體系認證,在省內外享有較高的信譽。與世界40多個國家和地區的各類機構建立了良好穩定的經貿合作關系。公司資產總額由初的500萬元注冊資金發展到目前的6800萬元。. 面對經濟**化的新形勢,我們將繼續擴大與世界各地的經濟技術合作和人才交流,肩負起創造富裕和繁榮社會的使命。我們愿與朋友們精誠合作,攜手共進,共創美好未來。.shandong hansen international economic and trade cooperation co., ltd is a very foreign-orientated with an independent qualified legal team, which provides assistance in labor export, commercial goods imports and exports, international studies and numerous other services approved by the p.r.c. ministry of commerce, p.r.c. ministry of education and other related government agencies.here at shandong hansen we base our reputation on creditability and guarantee high caliber service every time we do business. our management team dedicates themselves to providing international and domestic clients with caring professional service through teamwork, innovation and hard work. shandong hansen has grown to 46 employees to help service you even better. our work force is one of the most highly educated; 90% of our employees have acquired a university degree. we have very proud business record and received iso9000 quality management system qualification, and were ranked as quality supervision exemption enterprise by shandong administration for industry & commerce for several times. therefore, our reputation is growing exponentially within and out of shandong. we have established and maintained working relationships with various organizations spreading over 40 countries world wide. this has lead to shandong hansen’s asset value to increase from¥5 million to ¥ 68 million in registered capital only in 5 years.