山東山教國際交流有限公司是由隸屬于山東省教育廳的山東省教育國際交流協會留學辦公室改制而成,以國際教育交流與文化產業研究為核心業務,是教育部、、國家行政管理總局聯合批準的出國留學資格認定單位,教育部教育中介機構工作委員會常務理事,山東省國際交流門戶企業。2001年公司為踐行“學好語言再出國,讀完預科再留學”的留學觀,山教國際在濟南成立了出國語言預科專修學校:濟南簡達外語學校。2006年,山教國際在青島成立了青島二外出國留學預科學校。山教國際主營業務涵蓋:出國留學、移民、公務考察、出國培訓、 留學預科、招生考試、合作辦學、學術交流、文化展覽展示、翻譯服務等。山教國際現擁有專業咨詢顧問、策劃人員、設計人員、技術研發人員和專職培訓講師兩百余人,大部分擁有專業技能和海外留學經歷。
山教國際成立十二年來,在山東省教育廳的關心和支持下,以“促進國際教育交流,專注文化產業研究”為企業宗旨,逐漸發展成為山東省規模大,業務全,社會公信力強的國際交流與文化展示門戶企業之一。近幾年來山教國際屢獲殊榮:2002年榮獲中國質量萬里行“ 服務質量與信譽先進單位 ”;2003年被中國保護消費者基金會評為“質量、信譽放心示范單位”;2005年被大眾日報社、大眾網評為“百姓口碑佳榮譽單位”;2007年被青島日報社、青島新聞網評為“具影響力出國留學機構”。2009年山東商報“年度留學行業百姓佳滿意度平臺”。2010年教育部教育中介工委”山東省陽光留學品牌中介機構”。
公司地址:濟南市濼源大街29號圣凱財富廣場5樓516室 濟南市長清大學科技園大學路
SPECIE Ambassador of Shandong Culture & Education
Shandong Provincial Education Company for International Exchange(SPECIE), formerly known as Office for Overseas Study, Shandong Education Association for International Exchange, a subordinate office of Shandong Provincial Ministry of Education.SPECIE is the portal enterprise for international education and culture exchanges in Shandong province, cradle of Confucius' birth place. As a company engaging in overseas study affairs, SPECIE is approved jointly by Ministry of Education, Ministry of Public Security and State Administration and awarded the qualification certificate numbered 【2012】433. Also, SPECIE is one member of Standing Council Director in Committee of Education Intermediary Institutions, Chinese Ministry of Education. SPECIE is parent company of Shandong Shanjiao Office for Overseas Study, Jinan Jianda Shanjiao Business Consulting Co., Ltd., Jinan Jianda Foreign Language School, Qingdao Erwai International Exchange Co., Ltd., and Qingdao Erwai Study Abroad Foundation School. There are six different functional divisions in SPECIE :Study Abroad Affairs Dept., Immigration Affairs Dept., Foreign Language Training Dept., Cooperative Education Dept., Agents Managements Dept., and Exhibition Dept.
Mr. SHAN Lianshun, Chairman of the Board & General Manager of SPECIE, once was sent to study in Germany by government and rewarded Shandong Provincial Outstanding Individual for Foreign Affairs. Mr. SHAN holds several titles in succession, such as Director of Foreign Affairs Office in Shandong Polytechnic University, Director of Shandong Youth Service Center for Overseas Study, Director of Office for Overseas Study, Shandong Education Association for International Exchange, Council Member of Great Vancouver Branch, Canada-China Friendship Association in Canada and Executive Director of Queensland Education Service Center in Australia.
In the past 12 years, SPECIE has been rewarded with quite a few honorable titles as Quality Guarantee Agent by Chinese Quality Supervisor Organization in 2002, Top Quality Agent Honored in China by China Foundation of Consumer Protection in 2003, Best Reputation Organization by Dazhong Daily and Dazhong Nets in 2005, The Most Influential Agency for Overseas Study by Qingdao Daily and Qingdao News Nets in 2007, Annual People Best Satisfaction Platform among Study Abroad Industry by Shandong Business Newspaper in 2009 and Shandong Provincial Sunshine Study Abroad Brand Agency by Working Committee of Education Agency, Ministry of Education in 2010.
Website:Shanjiao International: shanjiao.org
Shanjiao Sdudy Abroad: shanjiaoedu
Shanjiao School: jdedu
Add: Room 516 Shenkai Fortune Plaza
No. 29 Luoyuan Road, Jinan, Shandong P.C. 250014
Tel(Fax): 400 8717 911