我司已通過ISO9001:2000 質量管理體系認證,并嚴格按該體系的要求來執行。公司占地面積6000多平方米,內設先進的無塵凈化包裝車間。擁有家用鋁箔卷生產線20條,鋁箔容器生產線20條。企業在不斷完善自身機制的同時,更加注重對本行業前沿技術的引進和轉化。公司擁有自營進出口權,年產值在1000萬美金。
ABLE Packaging is a leading manufacturer of innovative packaging designs for disposable aluminum foil containers, retail and foodservice ,foil rolls, interfolded foil sheets, and plastic dome lids. Our pride shows
through quality, outstanding service, and commitment to our customers.
We can design a specific package to meet just about any need. If you can't find the product you're looking for, call us and let us design your next innovation. From the raw material to manufacturing to distribution, our focus is to create quality products to meet our customer needs. We have experienced team of personnel to lead our quality efforts. We are recognized by industry experts for our uncompromising quality since our inception.
We focus on entire supply chain to provide the shortest delivery time for our products. We continuously strive to achieve 100% fill rate and 100% on-time delivery. Regular review of our performance is conducted to ensure we build on our strengths and optimize our service to our customers.
We a r e c ommitted to our customers . Our standard s are continuously reviewed, new programs
are created to better service customers,and new products are continuously generated to improve the breadth and
depth of our offerings for customers.
At ABLE Packaging , We are about quality, service and commitment to our customers.