上海艾登絡技信息技術有限公司(Shanghai IDLogix Ltd. Co.)為一家由馬來西亞 Mega First Corporation Bhd投資并與上海交通大學合作,集合由國內外產學兩界中的專業人士所組成。公司主要業務為RFID無線射頻自動辨識技術在于物流、倉儲以及供應鏈上的解決方案研發及應用。同時,藉由公司團隊之經驗、資歷以及專業提供RFID技術之相關咨詢以及項目顧問。
Shanghai IDLogix Ltd. Co. is a company invested by Mega First Corporation Bhd and associated with The Software College of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. We teamed up elites from various areas of RFID industry and focus on RFID applications and solutions on logistic, warehouse management and supply chain, as well as project management, consultant.
IDLogix is a combined word. ID is the abbreviation of identification and represents the main feature of RFID technology. Logix represents our target industry, logistics. Shanghai IDLogix Ltd. Co. is expected to combine our expertise and experiences into “IDLogix” concept and transform it into to a practical yet logic implementation to fulfill various needs from the industry.