amphora is a unique chain of specialty stores which brings to urban chinese and foreigners in china the best and healthiest products from greece and the mediterranean world for a longer, healthier and vigorous life..amphora是一個獨特的連鎖專賣店。我們將為追求優質生活品質的中國都市人及在華國際人士帶來希臘及地中海地區優質健康的產品。.offers only carefully selected premium foods, spirits, cosmetics and handcrafts. all are derived from natural sources from the greek/mediterranean basin (eg olive tree, vineyard, bees, etc) – each product with a convincing health story. .我們僅提供精挑細選的優質食品,飲料及化妝品。所有純天然產品均來自希臘及地中海地區(包括來自橄欖樹,葡萄園,蜜蜂,等)每個產品背后都有一個可以信賴的健康理念。.amphora’s expert staff provides detailed education, consultation and explanation of the products, their origins and benefits..amphora的專業員工會為每位崇尚卓越生活品質的顧客提供詳細的產品介紹,包括產品出處,功效,使用方法等。.amphora offers consumers a cozy area to sample all the products with romantic mediterranean music..amphora為顧客開辟一個舒適愜意的區域,就著悠揚浪漫的地中海音樂,免費體驗我們的產品.more than anything, the mediterranean lifestyle is about a state of mind and a vision. it demands a relaxed appreciation of the pleasures of the table and a refined understanding of how the food gets its qualities, as well as a readiness to enjoy life. that’s also our mission to bring to you, our sophisticated customer, a mediterranean life style. . 與其他任何相比,地中海的生活方式是一種更純粹的意識形態。她需要您放松身心去感受菜肴帶來的愉悅;精準地領悟美味的緣由,從容地享受生活。這也是我們的使命:給我們尊貴優雅的客人,您,帶來一種地中海的生活方式!.amphora愛芬樂(上海):.虹橋店:上海市虹梅路3219號1樓1k室.靜安店:上海市陜西北路429號