All For Paws Company was founded in 2010 in Shanghai, headquartered in Edgewater (USA). Pet supplies make up a large part of the All For Paws business. We are providing the convenience of a one-stop shop for customers through a Total Value-Added Package: from product design and development, through raw material and factory sourcing, production planning and management, quality assurance and export documentation to shipping consolidation. We look for the outstanding candidates to achieve the company goals. (Corporate Web site: allforpawspet)
All For Paws公司總部在美國埃奇沃特,主要從事寵物產品的設計,研發,制造,銷售業務。為了適應業務的進一步發展,現在上海設立子公司,誠邀人才的加盟,公司將為您提供施展才華的廣闊空間,同樣相信您的加盟也將使公司得到更大的發展。(公司官方網站:allforpawspet)公司提供班車往返地鐵站