上海采埃孚變速器有限公司(ZF Transmissions Shanghai Co., Ltd. 以下簡稱ZFTS)系中德合資企業,由德國采埃孚中國投資有限公司與上海汽車股份有限公司共同出資,于2004年6月9日組建成立。注冊地址為嘉定區葉城路488號。ZFTS的注冊資本為1659萬歐元,投資總額為4112.6萬歐元。主要經營范圍:乘用轎車的自動變速器和相關產品及其零部件的生產、組裝、測試、應用工程和銷售。
ZF Transmissions Shanghai Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred as “ZFTS”) is a Sino-German Joint Venture Company established between ZF (China) Investment Co., Ltd. (“ZFCN”) and Shanghai Automotive Co., Ltd., P.R.China (“SA”).ZFTS was founded on June 9th, 2004 in 488 Yecheng Road, Jiading Industrial Zone, Shanghai 201822, P.R.C. The total amount of investment (1st Phase) is 41.126 Mil. Euro and the registered capital is 16.59 Mil. Euro.ZFTS Business Scope:Production, assembly, testing, application engineering and/or sales of the automatic transmissions and related products, parts and components thereof for passenger cars.