Originated from the United Kingdom,BADILA is a well-known international enterprise, which researches and develops high-tech skin care products, as a symbol of status and quality in Europe, BADILA brand has a great image of distinguished, natural, self-confident, which is popular in the successful women. BADILA has focused on the research of female skin health, whitening, and younger since 1953 which achieved remarkable success. BADILA owns honest consumer such as royal members, international stars, models, office ladies.
2009 BADILA Thuiland Tongji science and technology joint investment of 30 million US dollars in international and Shanghai Pujiang town established a set of research and development, production of healthy products, constantly on the latest international female private conservation products into China, to bring more Chinese women beauty, health and happiness.
源于英國的BADILA是一個國際性知名高科技護膚品牌。其尊貴、魅力、自然、自信的品牌形象在歐洲有著深遠影響,深受成功女性的推崇和珍愛,成為其擁有身份和品位的象征,自1953年以來BADILA一直專注于女性肌膚健康、美白、抗衰老的研究,取得卓越的成效,把她們的愿望變成現實。BADILA才有站在今天的高度。皇室成員、國際知名演員、模特、高級白領都是BADILA產品的忠實使用者 ......