公司簡介brief in case .圍繞著**汽車售后服務市場,partner正致力于為**的汽車整車廠提供售后工程技術服務。 .公司先后為上海通用汽車有限公司(sgm)、泛亞汽車技術中心有限公司(patac)、上海汽車制造有限公司(smc)、上汽英國技術中心(smtc)、上海大眾汽車有限公司(svw)、英國omitec集團售后服務(技術資料繪圖支持)的汽車系統工程領域提供服務。.我們擁有由一支且具豐富經驗的專業人員和工程師組成的隊伍。"客戶滿意"始終是我們的終目標。我們將竭力為客戶提供好的產品和服務。同時,為了保護客戶的利益, 我們一貫堅持與客戶方簽定保密協訂來保證我們客戶的決對利益。.partner is devoting to provide world class aftersales service technical manuals and relevant service support for the vehicle manufacturers all over the world. .so far, partner has been the services provider for shanghai general motors corporation limited (sgm), pan asia technical automotive center (patac), saic motor manufacturing co., limited ( smc), shanghai volkswagen automotive co., limited (svw) in aftersales field since 2005。.partner has an energetic team consisted of experts with professional background and rich experience, “customer satisfaction” is our unswerving target. we will make continuous efforts on providing our customers the best products and services.