上海博弦財務顧問有限公司注冊于中國的金融文化航運中心---上海。在國際化的咨詢公司管理下,由具有來自中國大陸,香港等國際背景的咨詢師們組成了一支強大的咨詢服務隊伍,協助**性公司簡單、有效、安全得進入中國市場。公司所提供的一系列專業服務可以為客戶在中國運營前期實行全程式服務,以便客戶盡快投入運營. 而對于投資較為保守型的國外客戶, 我方可直接根據客戶的需求協助其的市場運作及銷售,待其業務運轉成熟后,再加強進入中國的速度。目前對于財力和預算有限的中小型企業,我們所提供的服務,可以使其以優化預算,并盡快安全得開始商務運營。因此我們所開展的服務內容包括設立外資投資代表處,外資獨資企業,中外合資企業及香港和英屬維京群島公司;財務服務及貿易支援服務等。
In Shanghai, the financial, cultural and transportation center in China. B.String has a strong team of experienced consultants from China mainland, Hong Kong. Consequently specialized service we provide can help clients develop smoothly at the beginning. For those conservative foreign clients we can directly assist them in market operation and sales. After its business goes smoothly, we will help to raise the speed of entry into China market. So far our service can assist the clients - especially the medium-sized corporations with limited budget to enter the Chinese market in a rapid but steady manner. We supply the service included the R/O ( Representative Office ), WFOE (Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise), JV ( Joint venture) set up and HK and BVI company’s setup. Accounting service and trading service.