上海承世商貿有限公司是全國**家專業的以第三方采購為主的服務性質的公司,公司主要以采購代理服務為特色,為廣大國內及國外公司采購產品及監控產品質量,現公司主要客戶為上海及江浙地區高星級酒店,國外駐華辦事處,私人定制等,公司定位服務中客戶,公司經過三年的發展,我們已經擁有了一大批忠實的客戶及龐大的供應商資源。我們的口號是:“沒有我們買不到的,只有您想不到的!公司歡迎有理想,有抱負,致力于在新興服務行業業發展的有志之士加盟。上海承世商貿有限公司致力于打造成專業的采購代理公司,的采購代理服務商。公司總部位于上海,坐擁華東長三角之龐大的產品生產基地,和上千家工廠及原材料廠保持有良好的合作基礎,上海承世商貿有限公司高覆蓋、**率的服務獲得多家公司和機構的認可。我們將以專業的精神為您提供安全、經濟、專業的服務。 Company profile: Located in Shanghai, our company is a professional agency specialized in purchasing agency service including products purchasing and quality control for global companies , the agency service covers household articles、costume and accessories、electric components and assembly material、auto parts、small machinery、silicon material and silicon products、some inorganic chemicals、engineering plant as well as fitting parts, etc. All of our UNO-WORLD people are dedicated to build up a most professional agency facilitator, currently, our company has established reliable cooperation relation with thousands of manufactures or material factories based on the product production base in Yangtze River Delta, so, we believe that our company can provide our customers with safe、economic and professional agency service with high efficiency and coverage.