MARNI: 1994年由Castiglioni家族創建, 并由Consuelo Castiglioni擔任設計師。如今Marni已經是一個生產并銷售女裝、男裝、童裝、佩飾等的產品的意大利頂級設計師品牌。
BALENCIAGA: 法國奢侈品品牌,品牌始于1919年,由Cristobal Balenciaga先生創立。2009年正式進入中國市場。由享譽國際的知名設計師 Nicolas Ghesquiere先生擔任創意總監。產品包括手袋,女裝,男裝,鞋,眼鏡,飾品等。
ALEXANDER WANG:2004年,亞歷山大·王 (Alexander Wang) 創建自己的設計師同名品牌,產品有女裝、男裝、包包、手袋及配飾,在歐美時尚界,特別是美國時尚界大受好評。
Translatio manages 4 Luxury Brands in China. We have 30 stores in China by 2011 and we will have more than 40 stores by the end of 2012. With the expansion of our retail activities, we have many attractive opportunities open and welcome to your joining.
MARNI: Created by Castiglioni family in 1994. Ms.Consuelo Castiglioni as a designer. Today Marni has a production and sales of women's, men's, children's clothing, accessories and other products of the Italian top designer brands.
BALENCIAGA: French luxury brand, began in 1919 , founded by Mr. Cristobal Balenciaga. Mr.Nicolas Ghesquiere served as creative director. Products include handbags, women's, men's, shoes, glasses, jewelry and so on.
ALEXANDER WANG:In 2004, Alexander Wang create his own stylist brand, products include women's, men's, bags, handbags and accessories, which is highly praised by the euramerican fashionworld, especially by the American one.