Combing executive coaching, corporate training, speaking eLearning, executive summary, online bookselling and a powerful Resource Center which includes features such as Experience Sharing, L&D Columns, B-School, Tools and Download Center, MindSpan Learning (mindspan) is an innovative and evolving learning & development platform for top-tier Greater China-based companies as well as managers, professionals and entrepreneurs in the region.
After 2 years in business, having made mistakes and learned the rope, we are finally and really up and running. We are now launching 35 edge-cutting corporate training programs focusing on leadership, sales and customer service and communication skills. In addition, we have built one of the Greater China's leading websites for online shopping of English books, and we are working with high-profile partners in launching our Internet-based Experience Sharing feature (under Resource Center), where thousands of business and career related articles will be quoted through copyright licenses.
In our corporate training business, we work with more than 10 top trainers from China, Singapore, India, UK, Belgium, Italy and the US. We stand for a powerful learning experience thanks to our SPIFF approach. Our products are designed to be Strategic, Practical, Inspiring, we provide Follow-up through consulting services and we come and leave a Footprint.
We are now seeking young, dynamic, self-driven, committed and team spirited people to join us in building a hugely innovative and successful business. We take "People before Strategy" to the heart and believe people are the first thing we need to achieve success.
If you're passionate about pursuing your own way of winning, if you're a risk taker with a cool mind, and if you dare to defy conventional wisdom and are willing to go nine years back and choose to join Alibaba when it was just founded, then talk to us. From Day One, we have dared to be great. From Day One, we wanted to build a venture business. We know we will get to where our destination is.
在暢學堂企業培訓業務中,我們的明星培訓師團隊來自于中國,新加坡,印度,比利時,意大利,英國和美國。因為我們的SPIFF方式,我們代表著一種令人振奮的學習體驗。我們的產品從開發到傳遞都會追求三個目標:戰略角度(strategic),實用(practical)和激勵人心(inspiring),與此同時,我們通過咨詢服務向企業客戶提供培訓后的跟進 (follow-up)。后,我們確定與客戶的關系不是買賣,而是基于伙伴合作關系的共同成長,我們帶來不同的經營觀念,我們追求留下足跡(leaving a Footprint)。