上海潮域餐飲管理有限公司是上海潮域投資集團旗下的全資子公司。Aqua餐廳酒吧坐落于上海陸家嘴金融中心,風格簡約時尚。擁有華麗舒適的休息區、設計超前的影音 舞臺以及精致典雅的貴賓包房,吧臺一側的露臺可俯瞰露天美景。
Aqua餐廳酒吧隱藏在幽靜的花園中,您可以從我們露臺看到華麗寬敞的泳池。陸家嘴金融中心是** 繁華的金融中心之一,而Aqua餐廳酒吧坐落于此,猶如一座寧靜的綠洲,您可以暫時遠離城市的喧 囂,在此尋覓到一份久違的平和。Aqua餐廳酒吧將竭誠為您舉辦獨特難忘的宴會或派對!
SHANGHAI AQUA SPACE FOOD & BEVERAGES MANAGEMENT CO.,LTD is one of wholly owned subsidiaries of Aquaspace Group. Aqua Club is a modern, trendy venue situated in the heart of Shanghai’s Lujia financial district. The venue boasts a cool restaurant and bar, a beautiful lounge area, a state-of-the-art stage for music and entertainment, an impressive VIP area, and sweeping terraces all around.
The venue is hidden in a peaceful garden setting overlooking the largest and most beautiful residential outdoor pool in Shanghai. It is hard to believe that such an oasis of peace and tranquility is located right in the middle of one of the world’s most busy financial centers! Aqua is the ideal setting for people who want their events and functions to be unique and unforgettable!
Aquaspace Shanghai is a luxury lifestyle and investment company with a difference! We are young, talented, passionate and also highly successful. The Aquaspace group now consists of eight companies ranging from property investment and property management to media, travel and design. You will find an overview of all our companies on this website.
The Aquaspace group comprises 8 companies, all registered in the Lujia financial district in Shanghai. Our core business is high-end property investment and property management services, but we are also involved in media, travel, entertainment, and design.
Aquaspace Property has been growing rapidly since it started out in 2005, and with a portfolio that will soon reach 500 luxury apartments (with a market value of RMB 5 billion), we are rapidly growing into one of the market leaders in the luxury property sector in Lujia, Shanghai. For more information see our website: aquaspace
Aquaspace was chosen as the "Shanghai Expo Distinguished Guest Accommodation Provider" during the Shanghai Expo in 2010. In this role, Aquaspace hosted a large number of official country delegations and international VIP guests invited by the Shanghai government to attend the World Expo.
Aquaspace also has a growing and highly successful media division. The media division was created when the Shanghai Expo asked Aquaspace to produce and publish the official Shanghai Expo VIP magazine, which brought the best of Shanghai and China to visitors from around the world.
Aquaspace now employs around 100 people. Despite our remarkable success, we are still a very young company with an average age of less than 30 years. Our company philosophy is all about employing young talented people who are passionate about their life and their work, and then giving them the chance to grow quickly, realize their full potential, and realize their dreams.