RR Donnelley
RR Donnelley,
The world's premier provider of print and print related services
RR Donnelley is a global leading service provider who provides overarching printing solutions,and one of the biggest printing suppliers in the world.RRD was founded in 1864,with a history of over 140 years.With its branches spreading over 33 countries,the company has 650 manufacture plants and representative offices,and over 65,000 employees over the world.Relying on RRD's broad business and global service coverage,many global enterprises are expanding with the aid of RRD's on-line service tools,various printing services and professional marketing solutions.RRD holds the title 'the most respectiful company' in five consecutive years for its advanced management systems and superb enterprise culture.
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RR Donnelley 是在世界的提供印刷解決方案的服務商,也是**大的印刷供應商之一。當納利成立于1864年,有著140多年的歷史。其機構分布在33個國家,**有超過650家制造廠及辦事處,**雇員超過65000人。眾多**大企業都依托當納利廣泛的業務范圍,**的服務分布,并通過當納利的在線服務工具,各種印刷服務以及專業的市場解決方案來幫助他們的發展。當納利以其先進的管理和的企業文化,連續5年蟬聯印刷界“受人敬仰的公司”。
RR Donnelley In Asia
In Asia, RR Donnelley established the first joint venture in Shenzhen in 1993,followed by manufacturing and service operations in Shanghai,Beijing,Dongguan,Hong Kong and India.We offer a full range of printing services covering every industry,including publishing,consumer electronics, technology, finance, service, retail, and more. Our products include magazines,books,telephone directories, catalogs, leaflets, direct mail, packaging boxes and many others.
Human Resource
Our Vision 我們的愿景
-Enriching lives by connecting people with the power of words and images
Our Mission 我們的使命
-Sustainable Profitable Growth
-Happy Customers 滿意的客戶
-Proud Employees 自豪的員工
Our Core Purpose 我們的核心目標
-Craft the future 共鑄未來
Our People who 我們當納利人
-get things done and are driven to do more 完成工作并積極主動做更多
-willing to respond quickly to the demands of the moment 對需求快速反應
-are good listeners 良好的傾聽者
-able to and want to put a point of view 能夠發表意見和觀點
-have the potential to move up the organization 具有促進組織發展的潛力
-Be here now 人在心在