上海朵奈特人力資源有限公司(人才服務許可證426號)隸屬于韓國DMT Global Group株式會社。DMT Global Group是韓國著名人力資源服務機構,提供獵頭服務、人事外包、教育培訓、管理咨詢等專業HR服務,在韓國及亞太區擁有多家分公司及辦事處。
Shanghai Damote Human Resource Company is a division of DMT Global Group , a famous HR enterprise in Korean. The business strength of DMT Global Group lies in Executive Search, HR outsourcing, Training, HRM consulting and other HR related business in Asia Pacific region.
Shanghai Damote Human Resource Company is a leading HR firm in China and specialized in executive search, HR outsourcing, HRM consulting for multinational corporations. Headquartered in Shanghai, our firm is comprised of local and foreign consultants with respective industry experiences and consulting-related backgrounds. We deeply know the needs of the enterprises and are very familiar with the China Market. To offer the Top quality candidates and a desirable scope of service to our clients to meet their growing business need in China even the Asia Pacific Region., we partner with search and business affiliates in China, Korean and US .Our clients are ranked among Global Top 500 Companies.