上海鼎勝信息科技有限公司是一家提供商業智能BI咨詢顧問服務, 及商業智能軟件代理銷售的團隊。
Reporting and New BI tools 可視化互動、快速分析、移動裝置
Tableau–Visual Analytics & Dynamic Reporting and Dashboards
Big Data solutions 大數據;萃煉有價值資料
Etu Big Data Solutions - Etu Appliance (Hadoop-based) & Etu Recommender
S & OP solutions 營運績效管理、決策分析
PowerOLAP/Olation-Biz Modeling, Forecasting and Budgeting, Demand Planning, Performance Management
PGi Noah gallery : STD solutions 建立特定系統
Cost effectives solutions and easy built-in your process.
Projects & Consultant Service
我們希望能為Partners提供TCOO Solutions (Total Cost Of Ownership—綜合成本優的產品和服務的解決方案),實現公司、客戶雙贏的局面。