Shanghai NF Smith Electronic Components Trading Co., Ltd
Smith & Associates是供應半導體、電子零件以及計算機部件的供貨商,在**居于地位。我們在美國設立的總部已有逾二十年歷史,信譽超卓。公司擁有三百多名的員工,并于全世界設立了共十一所辦事處,其中包括位于亞洲區的香港、深圳、上海、首爾和東京。Smith & Associates為世界各大電子工業生產商搜羅電子零件,每年營業額高達五億美元。
Shanghai NF Smith Electronic Components Trading Co., Ltd
Smith & Associates, the world's leading independent distributor of semiconductors and computer components. We are a well-established US company, founded over 20 years ago. With more than 300 employees in eleven offices around the globe including four Trading Offices in Asia, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Seoul, Tokyo. Smith sources electronic components for the world's leading electronics manufacturers, with annual sales in excess of US$500 million.
Please visit our website.