武義盛步體育用品有限公司是跑步機等產品專業生產加工的公司,擁有完整、科學的質量管理體系。 盛步體育用品有限公司是一家集“體育裝備、按摩器材、運動禮品研發、制造、銷售、服務”于一體的高新技術企業;是一家國內體育健身器材的大型外貿生產基地;產品按照國際歐洲EN957安全標準設計,生產全程由盛步國際投資集團(香港)監制,確保盛步產品的高品質。
盛步公司以“科技創新,以人為本”管理理念,國際的生產線、專業化的研發團隊,打造豪華尊貴、款式新穎、綠色環保、堅固耐用、安裝簡捷的尊品;以堅守“專注體育、誠信品質” 的經營理念,駕馭體育用品,健身器材的潮流,同時完善的營銷網絡和服務隊伍,使顧客售前、售中、售后都能享受到專業的服務。盛步深受客戶好評,還贏得了海內外客商的信賴。
Shengbu sporting goods Co,. LTD is a collection of "sporting equipment, sports massage, sports gifts for research and development, manufacturing, sales and service" in one of the high-tech enterprise, it is a domestic Sports fitness equipment production base of large foreign trade; All series of products in accordance with international standards of European EN957 safety design, the whole process of production is supervised by Sheng international investment group (Hong Kong) , and ensure of high quality products .
Shengbu company stick to "technology innovation, people-oriented" management concept, international leading of production line, and specialization of research and development team, build Deluxe distinguished, and style novel, and green environmental, and solid durable, and installed simple of respecting products; to adhere to "focus on sports, and integrity quality" of operating concept, mastering sports supplies, fitness equipment of trend, while perfect of marketing network and service team, makes customers before sales, and on saling, and after sales can enjoy perfect service. Shengbu staff win the trust and the good reputation of customers at home and abroad.
Opportunity of our time! holding to firm belief, strong sense of social responsibility, with enthusiasm into the human health in sportin武義盛步體育用品有限公司的誠信、實力和產品質量獲得業界的認可。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨參觀、指導和業務洽談。