efcsoft, a leading provider of drp (distribution resource planning) system in china, utilizes a radical process methodology to help companies deal with the variability that comes from today’s gap in managing supply and demand..since 1992, efcsoft has been helping china's leading companies drive costs out of their supply and demand processes. efcsoft solutions have generated millions in savings for our customers by supporting complex requirements for industries such as coatings, automotive, baby necessities, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, chemicals, and a host of others..with the advanced business config platform (bcp) worldwide, it offers a web-optimized development environment, personalize ability, coupled with superior workflow and user management capabilities, to give your organization the ultimate flexibility in building powerful, accessible, easy-to-use, and global applications. the developing efficiency is at least 20 times than traditional application development. when your organization's unique requirements demand a custom-built process automation solution, the efcsoft business config platform is the best solution..efcsoft solutions give organizations the tools to reduce costs quickly by providing visibility and control over the entire enterprise supply and distribution resource.. 上海方程軟件科技有限公司是自主研發企業管理軟件及相關服務的高新技術企業,致力于為產供銷一體化企業和具分銷模式企業提供企業級管理應用軟件的集成、實施和管理咨詢等服務。. 公司基于獨有的可視化中間件開發引擎bcp的v系列drp(分銷資源管理)產品采用平臺化開發方法,開發速度快,效率高,在國內外處于位置。. 公司整體風格求真務實,追求的企業文化是:超越/效率/誠信/學習。. 公司目前連年保持高速發展,客戶全部是國內外行業巨頭或者,有良好的管理機制、職業前景規劃和上升空間,希望每一位員工和公司一起成長壯大。. 我們歡迎工作踏實、有進取心、希望在事業上有一番成就的人加盟方程,同方程共同發展。