公司地址:上海市靜安區 鎮寧路200號(近東諸安浜路) 欣安大廈 東峰24B
Shanghai Grand Expo Co., Ltd. is the organizer of the following 3 Sino-USA jointly held trade shows:
1. ReChina Asia Expo, an international Printer Consumables Exhibition in Shanghai.
2. Printechexpo, an International Printing Exhibition in Shanghai.
3. OfficeWorldexpo, an international OA Equipment & Supplies Exhibition in Shanghai.
ReChina Asia Expo is the world's biggest trade show in the pinter consumables industry .
With its debut in 2004, the 12th ReChina Expo will be held in Shanghai on April 22-24, 2014.
As the business develops, the company will need more professionals in various fields,
including mamagement, sales, marketing,advertising,magazine editors,booth design etc.
Please get more information on our website at rechinaexpo.