捷威電子(Jetview Electronics (H.K.) Co. Ltd.)上海辦事處是剛成立的銷售公司。捷威電子主要業務是科技電子產品(遠程監控,生物識別,智能門禁)出口,在溫哥華、香港、深圳、珠海等地區均設有分公司。因業務發展,急需外貿銷售,電子產品技師,產品設計師,網站營運主管等專業人才。公司位于楊浦五角場創智坊,是低密度高科技園區,臨近地鐵10號線。工作時間9-5, 每周五天。國家法定假期。午餐補貼和年終花紅。
Jetview is a dedicated hi-tech security surveillance equipment supplier to meet most of the customers' security needs. We have been serving the industry since year 2000 providing security solutions to many professional security companies and installers. We position ourselves to be one of the reliable partners to provide best valued products, reliable quality with performance, and responsive customer service and technical support.
Jetview's principle is to meet customers' demand on product quality and price with every effort. Seeing is believing. Taking time to understand us is the first step for your company to become the winner. Choosing Jetview as your total security solution provider will be your ticket to winner's circle.