本公司是巴西進出口公司在上海的辦事處,從事進出口貿易。公司主要產品是照明系列產品包括節能燈,LED燈,彩虹管,燈具等系列。本公司是一家成長型企業,機制靈活,氛圍融恰 ,能提供良好的福利待遇,極大的發展空間和培訓學習的機會。我們誠邀各界人才的加盟,與公司共同發展,同時實現你的人生價值。
Our company is an office of Brazil company in Shanghai, engaging in international trading business. The main products are lighting lamps, e.g.energy saving lamp, led lamp,ropelight,wall fixture etc. We're a young company with flexible and harmonious work environment, and we can provide you with good benefit, good training & big development space. We'd glad to invite you to join in us, to help develop the company and to realize your own life value at the same time.