Henry Schein, a FORTUNE500 company, is the largest distributor of healthcare products and services to office-based practitioners in the combined North American and European markets. The Company's sales almost reached a record $6 billion in 2007.
The Company provides innovative solutions for healthcare professionals and is recognized for its excellent customer service and highly competitive prices. Henry Schein's four business groups- Dental, Medical/Animal Health, Internation and Technology-serve more than 500,000 customers worldwide.
Headquartered in Melville, N.Y., Henry Schein employs more than 11,000 people and has operations in 19 countries.
美國漢瑞祥公司 (Henry Schein, Inc.)
Henry Schein是**大的醫療產品和器械銷售公司,是美國財富500強之一。在**25個國家設有分支或運營機構,擁有14,000名員工,為**包括齒科診所,技工所,**診所,獸醫診所以及其他醫療機構在內的70多萬客戶提供優質服務。為200多個國家的客戶提供90,000多種品牌和“Henry Schein漢瑞祥”自有品牌的醫療產品以及其他100,000多種特殊訂單產品。
漢瑞祥中國 (Henry Schein, China)
Henry Schein是**大的診所醫療產品和服務的供應商。在中國,我們秉承漢瑞祥一貫堅持的質量**和顧客至上的優良傳統,為廣大醫療產品和器械經營企業、醫療機構和患者提供高質的產品和優質的服務。
在中國口腔銷售方面,漢瑞祥目前銷售國內外的眾多知名品牌與 “Henry Schein”的自有品牌產品。