在漢石集團強大的財務支持下,由于特殊的生活經驗,股東sherry驚奇的發現,走過了世界各地,新西蘭的咖啡獨特,簡直可以用來描述。太多的好奇促使她花更多的時間去了解為什么新西蘭的咖啡那么特別,每一杯咖啡那么香純。隨著探索的不斷深入,她驚訝的了解到,原來這不是她一個人的發現,原來咖啡已經進入了一個新時代,新西蘭的咖啡文化已讓整個西方社會稱奇,新西蘭人用relax和love烘培出來的咖啡文化已成為新的咖啡文化得到現代潮流的追隨及認可。基于此,漢石希望把世界上好的 — 來自新西蘭的咖啡文化帶入中國 – a fast speed country。咖啡已不僅僅是咖啡豆的新鮮及品質,更重要的是一種生活態度和情感表達。漢石立志把這個充滿愛的文化引入到中國來,在咖啡市場還處于極度饑渴時在中國創建一個真正的充滿愛和情感的咖啡品牌。如果你愿意跟著一個團隊共同創造品牌神話,如果你對自己未來的發展極具野心,如果你熱于創新,相信奇跡,具有激情,相信夢想,歡迎加入我們,我們拒絕冷漠與謊言,偷懶與不負責任,以上請不要浪費你我的時間。。。。。。。歡迎有starbuck、costa等咖啡連鎖品牌經驗的人士。
With more than 15 years stable development in real estate field, the Hanshi Investment Company Limited has already become a large group company with its business also covering the medical and healthy industry. One after another projects are created thanks to our outstanding management team. Constructions of more than 500 thousand square meters are undergoing currently in Shanghai. We insist on building a positive culture in the company which in turn, making us a sustained development company.
With the big support of the group, we are now carrying an ambition in establishing a total new brand of cafe shop combined with fashion, art and passion which aim to be a leader in its field. The coffee consumption marketing is still in its preliminary period and will meet its booming in the future in China. We are very interested in defining the coffee market into different level and taking an opportunity to build up a famous coffee brand here when it’s still in disorder. We have ambitions to turn our coffee culture into a positive living attitude and develop a leading brand regarded as art in coffee market.
We now sincerely invite you to be a member of our new team which is going to have excellent people best in their own field. People with extreme entrepreneurial passion and firm commitment to excellence are especially welcomed. More information, please see han-shi.