Founded in 2003, Elitecom Technologies is the leading supplier of innovative and cloud based network management platform, applications, and professional service to the global enterprise networking, WiFi , Security and storage industry. Eltecom's network management products and applications have been used by thousands of customers all around the world.
Elitecom is changing the way networks are managed by bringing groundbreaking innovation in cloud based software technologies to solve the complex problems in managing the networks. Elitecom is pioneered on providing the turn key cloud managed WiFi and wired networks with industry's lowest cost of ownership
翰騰信息是業界的基于云計算平臺的網絡管理平臺和整體解決方案的高科技軟件公司,專業從事大型電信及企業網絡管理(傳輸、交換、數據中心、無線等)產品開發和系統集成.公司研發中心位于上海和成都,軟件架構、 銷售、 以級技術支持中心位于美國硅谷。 翰騰信息的客戶主要集中在美國。