Inhouse Web is a young multi-cultural, fast growing company which already has a fantastic client list. We provide a broad array of bilingual web services to our clients including the design, construction and maintenance of complex e-commerce, online event management and community websites. Our developments often involve integrations with China Unionpay, other online payment gateways and 3rd party systems such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, blogs and other web services.
Inhouse Web是一個年輕卻成長迅速的網絡開發團隊,立足于多元文化,至今已拓展了一定規模的客戶群。我們為客戶提供一系列豐富的雙語網站服務,包含網站設計、電子商務的創建及維護、線上活動和公共網站的管理。我們網站服務的開發通常涉及到與以下系統的整合,中國銀聯及其他網上支付門戶、第三方系統, 例如ERP系統、CRM系統、博客等網站服務。
Almost all of Inhouse Web’s websites and web services cater to both English and Chinese speaking customers based in many different locations around the world.
Inhouse Web為全世界各個角落的客戶提供雙語網站的建設及服務。
In addition to our specialized web developments; we also provide the following services:
- Social web marketing 社會網絡營銷
- Search engine optimization and search engine marketing 搜索引擎優化及營銷
- Email marketing 電子郵件營銷
- Email account services 電子郵件帳戶服務
- Domain names 域名
- Web hosting 網站托管
- Graphic design 平面設計
- Data-mining & surveys 數據挖掘及調查
- IT infrastructure and support IT基礎建設和支持