華大影院(Mega Cinema)
華大影院根據自身戰略優勢制定了立足江浙、面向華南、西北地區,深入開拓30萬以上人口聚集地的三年發展戰略規劃,2013年將在長三角、珠三角及西南地區啟動至少10 家影院項目,目標屏幕數80塊左右。
Mega Cinema was initiated by Mr. Li Wenwu – a senior advertising maker and personal film industry investor. So far, Mega has reached strategic cooperation agreement with CP Lotus (a subsidiary of CP Group) and Lisi Group, meanwhile, the company also has depth cooperation with Szitic CP and Greenland Group. Mega Cinema aims to cover the whole film industrial chain and will firstly achieve in content production, talent reserve and cinema investment.
Till now, the cinema projects of Mega have covered Shanghai, Chongqing, Xi’an and so on. The development goal of Mega Cinema in year 2013 is to open 5 cinemas and to start another 5 cinema projects around Middle and East part of China, the target number of screens will be 80.
Mega Cinema is always committed to provide diversity entertainment services on its own advantages. It also focuses on enhancing the interaction with its target consumers by constructing a cross-media platform. In a word, it makes all efforts to sculpture Mega Cinema brand as a film theme park supplying one-stop consumption experiences.
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