Since established in May 2006, Shanghai Legman HR Consulting Co. Ltd has focused on headhunting service targeted at global market leaders crossing such segments as Consumer Goods, Electronics, Automotive, Internet, Industrial, Health Care and Financial Services, with strong proven track record in both quickly growing business and quickly growing people.
And therefore, Legman has always been recognized as a MIRACLE by both clients and competitors because of the following:
1.clients are almost ranked Top 3 globally within respective industry and recognizing LEGMAN as their NO.1 choice and/or trust partner;
2.very advanced management system based on 6 sigma methodology
With the culture of SPARK – Stretch, Passion, Alliance, Result, Knowledgeable, Our whole Legman team is now sharing the same vision - the NO.1 choice for both our clients and talents. We are now entering a very fast growing period and will provide top performers very clear and upwards career ladders.
If you want to grow up quickly, work with groups of smart and excellent colleagues, no matter if you have experience in the headhunting industry, please send your CV to us at hr@legman.
上海匯元人力資源咨詢有限公司,是一家專業的獵頭公司。 自成立以來,我們每年的業績幾乎都是翻倍成長,并
因此,我們的客戶把我們視為一個奇跡:1)我們的客戶幾乎都是行業中排前三名的公司,而且視我們為他們的**選擇;2)我們是**家把6 Sigma 的管理方法運用于獵頭行業的公司,這大大提升了我們的效率和業績。
我們是一個充滿活力并且善于學習的團隊,分享共同的價值觀 – SPARK (伸展,激情,聯盟,結果導向,博
學),并且整個團隊在為共同的愿景 – 致力于成為客戶和人才的**選擇 – 而打拼。
如果你渴望迅速成長,喜歡與一批聰明智慧且開放的同事一起工作,請發送簡歷到 hr@legman.