Grant Thornton China CPA Limited, incorporated in December 2007 with head office in Shanghai, is the sole member firm in Mainland China of Grant Thornton International.
With the approval of relevant government departments, Grant Thornton China CPA Limited Shenzhen Branch has been established in August 2008 and started to carry out business on 1 September 2008. Besides Shanghai and Shenzhen, Grant Thornton also has set up offices in Beijing and Guangzhou and there are over 550 people working for Grant Thornton in China at present.
Grant Thornton International is one of the world's leading organisations of independently owned and managed accounting and consulting firms. These firms provide assurance, tax and specialist advisory services to privately held businesses and public interest entities. Clients can access the knowledge and experience of more than 2,400 partners in over 100 countries in the Grant Thornton International network and receive the same distinctive, high quality and personalised service wherever they choose to do business.
Our Service 我們的服務
? Statutory and specific audits 法定審計及特別審計
? Audit for US listed company 為美國上市公司進行審計
? Overseas reporting audit 海外報告審計
? Personal and corporate tax registration 企業及個人所得稅稅務登
? Tax consulting 稅務咨詢
? Legislation update 提供新稅法資料
? Tax planning 稅務安排
? Preferential tax status application 申請稅務優惠
? Transfer pricing 轉移定價
? Expatriate tax services 外籍人員來華稅務服務
? Tax compliances 稅務申報
? Tax due diligence 稅務盡職調查
Specialist advisory財務專項咨詢
? Business risks advisory 企業風險管理
? Recovery and reorganization 企業重組及清盤
? Forensic and investigation 法證及調查
Capital markets and corporate finance 資本市場及企業融資
? Reporting accountant before listing 上市前申報會計師服務
? Auditor after listing 上市后審計師服務
? Financial and operational assessments 財務及營運評估
? Mergers and acquisitions 收購合并
? Transaction advisory / due diligence 盡職審查
? Corporate restructuring 企業重組
? Spin-offs 企業拆分
? Financial investigations 財務調查
? Asset and business valuation 資產及業務估價
? Management buy-outs/buy-ins 管理人員收購股權
Corporate services企業服務
? Outbound and inbound investment set up and advisory 境內外投資設立及咨詢
? Accounting control systems planning and review 會計控制系統管理
? Book keeping and accounting 代理記賬及會計咨詢
? Payroll management 工資管理
? Training programs for accounting 會計培訓課程