上海劍閣信息技術有限公司是從事 IT 技術服務的新興企業,擁有的技術力量,豐富的管理經驗,**率的設計和開發團隊。劍閣總部位于上海,在北京,上海,深圳,成都,蘇州等城市擁有業務。劍閣運用先進的技術力量,為客戶提供專業的 IT 服務,包括軟件產品,軟件開發和技術外包業務。
劍閣信息擁有眾多成功的經驗,成功為金融,制造業,貿易行業客戶提供服務與解決方案。劍閣的技術隊伍,擁有豐富的經驗,致力于新技術的研發和應用,采用國際通行的 SDLC 質量控制管理。在產品方面,劍閣成功開發了反洗錢系統,支付系統,合同管理系統,樣品管理系統等。劍閣以專業的管理和先進的技術,穩健、可靠的品質,迅速、靈活的反應,獲得了客戶的認可,業務一直保持著快速增長。
Swordgate Information is an IT solution Firm provides Professional Information Technology consult and service. Swordgate base on shanghai, have business in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Beijing , Suzhou and ChengDu. Swordgate provide excellent Service for Customer by strong technology and effective management. Service include Industry Software Product, Business analysis and System Develop, IT consult, Technology Service outsourcing.
Swordgate Information Achieves lots of Successful case for customer in Finance, Government, Manufacture and Trade. Swordgate also have successful Production, includes AML Reporting system, RMB Payment system, Contract Management and Sample Manage system. The Technology team of Swordgate have plenty of technology experience and focus in new technology implementation and quality control. Swordgate control Project by Standard SDLC workflow. Swordgate Information provides stable, quality, quickly, flexible service and Business solution for customer. Swordgate Service obtained Customer good response, and business grew quickly.