公司技術力量雄厚,自2000年以來公司已完成了包括國內多家世界著名企業在內的境內投資工業廠房項目百余個,包括道康寧(張家港)有機硅有限公司近100萬平方米面積的化工園區規劃,博西華一期、二期總面積達 125,000平方米的項目,??松梨陧椖康?。我們的合作伙伴包括但不僅限于:博世&西門子、庫邁拉、奎斯特、倫茨、威圖、采埃孚、寶馬格、伯曼、貝科、碧夢技、卓德嘉、道康寧、博斯特、萬客隆等。
我司將為勝任職員提供優厚的福利及薪資待遇,歡迎加入我們,請將您的求職信和簡歷Email至hr@ sh-jielian 或郵寄至:上海市延安中路841號東方海外大廈7樓人力資源部(請注明簡歷)。您也可以登陸公司網站:sh-jielian獲取更多信息。
SH-Jielian construction & Engineering Co.,Ltd is one of China’s leading construction and engineering contractors,
specializing in project value engineering、construction and industrial production process installation,
with a registered capital of fifty six million. It holds a National Class I construction qualification certificate for General Contracting Construction Work and for Steel Structure Work, respectively. It also holds a National Class II qualification certificate for Foundation Works, Decoration, Mechanical and Electrical installation, and Fire Protection etc.
Our company has abundant technical strength, since 2000 we has completed more than one hundred industrial facilities including projects for a number of world's most well-known enterprises in China, including Dow Corning (Zhangjiagang) Co., with an approximate of one million square meter area of chemical industry park, Bosch & Siemens, with a two phased facility of total 125,000 square meter area, and Exxon Mobil Project and etc.
Welcome to join us.We will offer an excellent salary and benefits package to the qualified employees. You may send us your personal resume or application form to us (hr@ sh-jielian).
Details also can be found in the company's web site:sh-jielian