California-China Wine Trading Inc. is the only export of premium California wine focused exclusively on selling its produce in Mainland China. The wines exported by California-China Wine Trading Inc are representative of all appellations and varieties of wine produced in the state. Napa and Sonoma Counties are significantly represented, but North Coast, Central Coast and Central Valley wine are also represented. Our current customer has including 4-5 star international hotels, high level restaurants, international and national retailers. Our company head office in San Francisco and have a branch in Shanghai and sales office in Guangzhou.
加利福尼亞-中國葡萄酒貿易有限公司是唯一一家針對中國大陸市場的優質葡萄酒出口商。 加中葡萄酒貿易公司出口的葡萄酒代表了加州出產的所有品種和產地的葡萄酒。 主要包括了那帕(Napa) 和 索諾瑪縣(Sonoma Counties), 以及北部海岸( North Coast), **海岸(Central Coast), 和**山谷(Central Valley)的葡萄酒。我們現有的客戶包括國內國際知名酒店、餐廳,國際性零售企業以及國內知名商超。公司的總部位于加州舊金山,我們在上海設有分公司,并在廣州設立有銷售辦事處。