上海京榀企業創立于1998年,設計團隊由多名滬港設計師領銜,公司總經理兼設計總監畢業于同濟大學建筑室內設計專業,曾赴港師從于梁志天大師,其間參與了香港香島道、布力經以及中環一帶多個豪宅的設計項目,后在港注冊成立了京榀企業香港有限公司,繼續秉承和發揚梁大師“簡約自然,以人為本”的設計理念。.公司迄今,向萬科、綠地、世茂等知名房地產企業;中國電信,中國網通等知名it企業提供了專業的設計服務,并以精湛的設計和細致的服務贏得了良好的口碑,為了能更好的表達我們的設計作品,在公司成立初期我們就成立了自己的工程部,目前公司擁有多名甲、乙級項目經理,通過他們的努力,將我們的設計作品充分展現,使得我們的作品精髓得以延伸。我們以的作品打動客戶,我們更以優質的工程及卓越的服務贏得客戶的認可。“榀牌”、“榀質”、“榀位”是我們的服務理念。.shanghai jingpin corporation was founded in 1998 by a group of youthful interior designers.the general manager and general designer of jingpin, was graduated from tongji university, then apprenticed by master steve leung in hongkong, during which engaging designs for a lot of houses located in island road and central hongkong. in 2005, jingpin was branched in hongkong to enrich the “brief, natural and considerate ”conception of master leung. .shanghai jingpin has served for a lot of famous real estate enterprises such as vanke, greenland, shimao, and also it groups as china telecom and china net, winning a good reputation for excellent design and cordial service. in order to materialize the design more effectively, shanghai jingpin has developed construction group from the beginning. by the endeavor of project managers, shanghai jingpin ensures the projects with excellent design, high quality and intimate service..上海市大連路1548號26樓f座.200092.jpzp@yahoo